Monday, April 5, 2021

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Week 11 Prompt - Fortune

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks

Week 11

Prompt – Fortune

I am several weeks behind in the blog.  It happens and no I am not sick.  It has been my good fortune to stay in good health and away from COVID and it's Variants. (touch wood!).  Is fortune luck?  Or is fortune brought about by good external forces we have put in place?   It seems to me that luck is not within our control or it happens more by chance.   I think of luck as good and bad and fortune as only good.  Although it could be negative if it is “misfortune".  None the less, it has been my good fortune to get my first vaccine last week and for that I have been eternally grateful.

The more likely reason for my delay in blogs is that I recently got a new laptop for my genealogy.  There was really nothing wrong with the old one except it was slower and occasionally needed rebooting to help it remember.  Now doesn't that sound all too familiar?   I backed up my genealogy on a regular basis so I was rarely concerned about it.  








My new laptop is smaller, lighter and is apparently a “kick ass” type of computer according to my husband who bought it for me for my birthday.  I am fortunate to have a husband who knows about computers and in fact has built them from components several times over the years.  It is not always a blessing.  His knowledge runs way beyond the everyday knowledge that most of us have and use on our computers.  Thus it was with great trepidation and anxiety that I allowed him to move all of my genealogy over to my new laptop.  Believe me when I tell you, I did lose some sleep over it.  There was several timeouts to regroup without tragedy.  I talked of thingies and cute icons while he talked about managing systems and other things that I chose not to listen to.  A couple of days later he had it all on my new laptop without a single loss of photos, accumulated family data or loss of life.

Seriously, I am fortunate and so grateful to have a computer genius in my life.



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