52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks
Week 10
Prompt – Names The Same
As I have mentioned many times before one side of my maternal line is the Krikau family. The Krikau family can be
traced back to the birth of Johan Georg Krikau born circa 1723 in
Wolfenhausen, Vitrunkel County, Germany. Johann was the first Krikau
to immigrate to Russia. In 1767 he was one of the 149 families that
founded the German Lutheran Colony (Warenburg) in the Volga Region.
Apparently it was called Gauter the first couple of years, however
an edict dated 26 February 1768 gave the colony its official Russian
name of Privolnoye. Today what is left of the former German Volga
Colony is called Privolnoye.
My Cousin Once Removed (John Krikau) Family Tree for Our Krikau Family.
According to The Volga German Website and several other sites Warenburg goes by many names.
Варенбург, Гаутер,
It has been difficult to be consistent in naming their location. And it really isn't any wonder seeing how many alternatives there are. The most prominent name used is Warenburg and therefore I have decided to use that as the Krikau village name. Warenburg is the place they immigrated to from Germany. Warrenburg was where several generation were born and died. And eventually they emigrated from Warenburg.
Further complicating factors is what follows Warenburg. These are some of them listed in my tree.
Warrenburg, Samara, Samara, Russia
Warenburg, Saratov, Volga, Russia
Warenburg, Privalnjoe, Samara, Russia
Warenburgh, Saratov, Russland
Warenburg, Privalnoje, Samara, Samara, Russia
Warenburg, Russia
Samara is a governate state within Russia which is an administrative division. Samara is the city within this state and considered the seat of this state. Samara is also on the same side of the Volga river as Warenburg. Saratov was also a state with the city of Saratov at the seat of administration. Saratov was the closest city to Warenburg. Warenburg was about 50 miles downstream from Saratov and on the opposite side of the Volga River. My grandmother often used Saratov when referring to her home in Russia.
My first cousin once removed, John Krikau uses Warenburg, Russia. John Krikau was one of 3 cousins who hired a genealogist to trace our family tree back to 1723 and that is what was written for them. I like simple. None the less I have decided to use Warenburg, Samara Province, Volga Valley, Russia. It's all the same place with many names.
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