Saturday, April 10, 2021

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Week 12 Prompt - Loss

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks

Week 12

Prompt – Loss

My mother-in-law, Clara Hoffart has many photo albums.  She inherited two beautiful velvet covered photo albums from her mother, Ida Jahnke (Nee:Bachmann).  The photographs inside are studio portraits of “family”.   I love the photographs.  They are mostly taken around 1900.   They are from studios in Germany, Chicago, and Winnipeg according to the back of the photograph. 

The first time I looked through the photo album, I asked Clara to tell me who these people were.  She said to me that she wished she could tell me, but doesn't really know.  Her comment was; “Oh gee I wish I would have paid attention to my mother when she told me who they were!”

Like most of us, we did not have the time or patience to look at the photographs that our parents or grandparents lovingly put into their photo albums.  Sadly the loss is ours.  She has a photo album of exceptional studio photographs that may never be identified.  I know that if there was a studio photograph of my great grandparents, grand uncles or grand aunts that I would love to have them and keep them as the treasure they are.

These are just a few of the photographs that I find intriguing.

This is the first photograph in the album.  We are sure that this is August Bachmann.  Bill's great grandfather.  He is the one who immigrated to North America from Germany.




 Is this August Bachmann too?  He looks similar to the previous photo. Is that a military uniform? 









We have no clue who this relative is.  He does have an interesting beard.

Are the 3 men on the left the same men as the 3 below.  If they are then we know who they are.  The left photograph was taken in Germany and the photo below was taken in America.  




These are just a few photographs from the photo album of unknown ancestors.  Their identities are lost.  What a shame.


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