Tuesday, October 22, 2024

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Weeks 40 & 41 Prompt - Least and Most


52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks

Week 40 & 41

Prompt – Least and Most

Lately I have been looking at my Ancestry DNA results. I still do not fully understand some of the results I have. Or maybe, more specifically, I do not understand DNA. According to my DNA results I have 6 ancestral regions. They are as follows. 

63% of my DNA is from the Germanic European Region. Although I am told this could range from 48 to 70%. It is a region from the Dutch and German Lowlands along the North Sea through to the forested uplands to the Austrian Alps. The people in this region are primarily located in: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland. But also can be found in Czech Republic, Hungary, Netherlands, Slovenia.

Of the 63% DNA from the Germanic European Region,  I received 38% from my father and 25% from my mother side of my family tree. 

I always thought there would be some Irish in my DNA.   After all my mother's biological father was apparently Irish whose parents immigrated from Ireland.  I understand that this still could be possible seeing how random DNA is passed down from your parents.  50% from your father and 50% from your mother. The 50% from my mother could mean that I inherited everything except her Irish DNA.  

The totals that I received from each parent are as follows.

Of the England and Northwestern European region my mother contributed 17 % of the 19% DNA from that region. My mother contributed nothing from the Sweden region however my entire 6% came from my paternal side.  Similarly, I received all 6% of Scotland from my mother's side and nothing from my father's side for Scotland. The 4% from Central and Eastern European region came from my father. The 2% of my DNA from The Netherlands came from my father's side and nothing from my mother's side. Mennonites were thought to have originated from The Netherlands - Anabaptist. 

When you put this all together it does seem to match some of my research of my ancestors.  So I guess that I am going in the right direction in my family tree's ancestors. 



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