Saturday, October 10, 2020

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks. Week 40. Prompt -Oldest

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks

Week 40

Prompt – Oldest

The Oldest Photograph in my Genealogy Tree.

The Jahnke Brothers
Johann Friedrich Jahnke - The gentleman on the right.  Born: Nov 21, 1863 Died: February 3, 1945 This is Bill's Great Grandfather.  This Photograph was taken in Germany prior to their immigration to United States. The actual photograph is held by Bill's sister.  

The Oldest Document in My Genealogy Tree.

Maria Krikau October 3, 1911 Ship Inspection Card from the immigration ship, Birma.  This is my maternal grandmother.  She was 8 years old when the family left Privalnoje, Russia through Libau and across the ocean to Ellis Island, New York and then on to Saskatchewan by railway.  I have it in my personal possessions.    

The Oldest Correspondence in my genealogy. 

This postcard was sent March 16, 1911 from Lydia to Ida Bachmann.  They were cousins.  Ida Bachmann is Bill's maternal grandmother.  I love that the photo has a horse drawn buggy driving down the road in front of the Banff Hotel.  

The Oldest Wedding Photograph








This Johann and Emilie Jahnke.  This is the same Johann Jahnke from the first photograph.  They were married in Bromberg, Prussia on April 20, 1890.  It is 130 years old.  Will any of our digital photographs still be available 130 years from now (2150)?  Bill's mother, Clara Hoffart has the actual photo in her possession.  

The Oldest Ancestor Line in my Tree. 

Michael Miller born in 1665 + Marie Unknown  =

Peter Miller born 25 Sep 1694 in Amlach, Kärnten, Austria +Dorothea Santner born 15 Jan 1694 =

Peter Miller born 10 Nov 1721 in Unteramlach, Carinthia, Austria + Elisabeth Innerwinkler (1838) =

Peter Miller born 18 Jan 1768 in Ciorogirla, Ilfov, Romania + Susanna Stahl 30 Jan 1765 = 

Andreas Peter Mueller born 9 Jul 1798 in Wischenka, Tschernigow, Russia + Maria Penner (1794) =

Katharina Mueller born 13 Feb 1836 in Schoenhorst, Chortitza, Ukraine + David Peters (1835 -1919) =

Franz Peters born 29 Jul 1876 in Plum Couleem Manitoba + Elisabeth Dueck (1881-1872) =

Jacob Peters born 28 Mar 1917 in Hague, Sask. + Lydia Vivian Sullivan (1922 - 1987) = 

Wendy Peters born 1954 in Saskatoon, Sask + William Hoffart (1954) =

My daughters= 

My granddaughters.

That is 11 generations from the generation of my granddaughters.  Wow!  

Historically, 1665 was the outbreak of Bubonic Plague or Black Death in Europe.  Isaac Newton was just a college student in Cambridge. It was one year before the Great Fire of London that killed 15% of its population.

Wendy H.

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52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Week 8 Prompt - Letters

2025 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Week 8 Prompt – Letters This is a letter written by Bill's maternal grandmother, Ida Anna Jahnke (nee...