Sunday, October 4, 2020

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks. Week 39. Prompt - Questions?

 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks

Week 39

Prompt – Questions?

  1. If my Grandmother Peters is blind, why does she wear glasses?   This question came to me recently in the middle of the night.  You know the nights where you are awake for no reason and your mind just wonders?

  2. On my Grandmother McLaughlin's naturalization, she is listed as a subject of the United States when she never lived there.  Also she has listed she was divorced!   Before 1968, divorce was enacted as private acts of the government which was recorded and now on a searchable database. She is not in it!  Note her last name is listed as Sollivan and not Sullivan.
  3. And you wonder why I never use the security question, “what's your mother's maiden name?”  I know that she was never adopted by her grandmother's new husband.  Thus, my mother's legal name was Lydia Vivian Sullivan.  But she went by Vivian!  In her wedding book she is listed as:

    And in her newspaper announcement she is named Lydia Vivian Sullivan McLaughlin.
  4. On my father's Registration of Death, his address is listed wrong and it states that his father was born in Russia.  In fact Frank was the first Canadian born child to David and Catherine after immigrating to Canada.  These are the type of errors that send a genealogist in the wrong direction.

    5. Why does my maternal grandfather, Pat Sullivan have several different places he was born?  In his marriage certificate he says he is born in Pittsburgh, Pa., USA.  And on my mother's live birth registration it is Los Angeles!!!  His wife, my grandmother was the informant for the Live Birth Registration.

    6.Why do I not have any DNA matches in my Ancestry Tree to any of my maternal grandmother's side?   That is Krikau.  Again I really don't understand the whole DNA thing but since my Peters side has many many matches, it just seems I should have some on my maternal side too.  Am I adopted.?!


Wendy H.

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