Tuesday, March 24, 2020

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Week 12 Prompt - Popular

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks
Week 12
Prompt – Popular

I would think that the least popular statistic these days are those reported on COVID-19.

I was recently exploring my Legacy toolbar when I found "Family Statistics Report" tab.   I always thought that there had to be some way to sum up interesting facts on my tree. Well maybe only interesting to me but definitely less scary than the COVID-19 statistics. 
My Legacy family tree has 2117 individuals. Keep in mind that I have both Bill's family tree and mine as one tree. More of the individuals in my tree are alive than dead. I'm not sure if that means anything at all. However for me it is easier to get information on the living than to find names of long lost dead relatives.
In adding names I always got the sense that there were given names that seemed popular in use. Legacy has done a nice job of sorting through these given names. 
First of all my family tree has 1313 unique first names. That means that there were 784 names repeated in some way. My guess before finding these statistics would have been that John or Johann would have been number one on this popular given name list. Surprisingly they were tenth and seventh respectively. Mind you only 2 repeats difference. The most popular given name was Katharina. Keep in mind that this is the overview of all my tree's given names throughout all time periods.
The statistics report further divides them into popular given names by century.
In the 16th century, only 3 names are given – Dorothea, Michael and Peter. However n the 17th century only Peter continues as a popular given name in my tree. In fact Peter becomes the most popular. 
In the 18th century the names Aron, Christina & Elisabeth dropped off the list of popular given names. The given names of Johann, Susanna, Jacob & Wilhelm appear as new popular given name in this century. 
Johann, Peter & Franz are not in the 19th century list of popular given name.  John & Anna make a come back in this century. Although one could make a case that John & Johann are the same name. Robert pops up as a new popular name. 
These are the popular given names in my family tree.  


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