Tuesday, December 17, 2024

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Week 49 Prompt - Handed Down


52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks

Week 49

Prompt – Handed Down

First a genetic lesson on DNA according to Ancestry.

DNA and Chromosomes

DNA is the “instructional manual” for all living things. It is separated into long, tightly wound pieces called chromosomes. People in general have 46 chromosomes, grouped into 23 pairs.

All About Genes

Genes are pieces of DNA within each chromosome that have the instruction for many of your traits, from eye colour to uni brow. You have two copies of each gene, one inherited from each parent. Specific places in your DNA are called markers.

Your Genotype: It's in the DNA

Scientists have found that some markers are associated with specific traits, such as red hair. At a certain marker, your genotype (a combination of two letters like AA) is what helps us determine whether you are going to have red hair or not.

Your Phenotype: genes plus environment

Your phenotype is what your genes say, your phenotype is actually what you have. Sometimes what you see in the mirror is different from your genotype based trait results, because traits are often influenced by many genes. Other factors, like the environment, can also come into play.

Passing It On

Everyone inherits half of their DNA from one parent and the other half from the other. That's why traits tend to run in families – you got half your DNA from each of your parents, who got half of their DNA from their parents, and so on. But the particular mix of DNA you get is unique to you.

My Ancestry DNA provides me with matches in my tree as well as tracing my ancestral regions that they have originated from. As I have mentioned before I am 63% Germanic European. Lately I have been looking through some of the 81 traits that they have listed for me based on my DNA results - the DNA that was passed down to me from my parents.  It is very interesting.

The first personality trait I looked at was “Dancing”. “Wendy, your DNA suggests you don't like dancing.” Bingo. I have two left feet. I really didn't learn to dance and it is my very least favorite activity. Even though both parents contribute DNA traits, Ancestry can figure out which parent had more influence. In this case they attributed the traits to my paternal side. 


The second personality trait I looked into was “Caffeine Intake”. It stated that I am likely to drink a lot less caffeine then average. Nope, not true. I usually drink 4 or 5 cups of coffee each day. It also attributed this trait as coming from my paternal side. It seems to me that my dad only drank coffee. A pot or two was his norm. Even on hot summer days he would have his coffee. He thought drinking hot drinks on hot summer days made one feel cooler. Who knows?  


The third personality trait I looked at was “Hangriness”. Ancestry says this; “hangry” (a combination of hungry + angry) entered mainstream use in the 2010s, but it actually dates back to 1956.

It said “Wendy, your DNA suggests you don't get hangry.” Bill will vehemently disagree with this. I concur too. I am a mean person just before lunch or supper when my blood sugar is low. This trait has been attributed to me along my maternal lines. Like Ancestry, I believe that hangriness is biological. We get our glucose from the food we eat so that we can produce energy to go about our tasks. When the fuel tank runs low we take on the symptoms of irritability, difficulty concentrating and hunger. 


This is just 3 of the 81 traits they have figured out from my DNA results. Interesting indeed!





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