52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks
Week 4
Prompt – Memories
A few years ago I gathered my memories
of my maternal grandmother, Elisabeth Dyck. In part I had decided to
write a cousin in Saskatoon to tell her what I remembered about my
grandmother; her great-grandmother. Like so many memories from a
long long time ago, I discovered that they were quite faded. I asked
some of my siblings about her. I got the most information from my
oldest sibling, Betty. She was a young teenager when grandma and
grandpa Peters lived in Saskatoon and the family would visit them.

Betty remembers visiting them quite
often when Grandma and Grandpa lived on Avenue C in Saskatoon. Betty's memories of
their rented home were quite vivid. She remembers it looking quite
run down. Our grandparents lived on the top floor of a two story
home and you had to get to them by way of an outdoor staircase which Betty termed a “rattletrap”. Betty said grandma and grandpa Peters
were very poor and on welfare. And apparently this was due, in part anyway, to The Hague Mennonite Colony and their fallen out which resulted in a colony split in half with one half going to
Mexico taking all of the colony's money. There is a grain of truth in
this in that some of the colony did leave for Mexico. They wanted to live in
their old ways. The
government of Saskatchewan passed an act that all the colony children
need to go to an approved public school taught by a qualified teacher
and in English. This was the exact opposite promised to them prior to their immigration to Canada. However the money issue is something I have yet to
discover as truth. It was costly for the Mennonites to go to Mexico via train. Who knows how the communal property and monies were divided up when the colony split. None the less my grandmother and grandfather were
very poor. I believe they left the colony around 1929. Grandpa Peters
Obituary of 1952 stated he was a resident of Saskatoon for 23 years.

Betty also thought that Frank and
Elisabeth Peters' daughters; Mary and Katie (aka Shirley) lived with
there spouses in Saskatoon at this time. Betty remembers visiting
them often and especially during the time that dad was away at war. Mary's children, Alice and Ruby were about Betty's age and she
remembers having a great time socializing with her cousins while the
adults visited and spoke only in German.
Betty said that grandfather Peters
loved sunflower seeds and always had them in his pocket. She
remembers him as very tall and thin. He was very quiet. He rarely
spoke English although he knew some English.
Betty thought that Grandma was not
always blind. Apparently at the age of 42, Grandma caught measles
which caused her blindness.
Grandpa Franz Peters died in 1952. Their is a family
story that after his death, dad's siblings had a falling out. Apparently my mom and dad were left to pay for the funeral expenses because he was the only working sibling and deemed to be rich. It was
shortly after the funeral that most of the family moved to
Vancouver. That is all but my dad, Jake and Uncle John. I guess
things were never the same after that.
My recollection of Grandma was when we
went to Vancouver to visit grandma, Mary, Katie and the and all
their children. The trip was long and dad was always uptight about
driving in the huge Vancouver city. We never knew where to find them
as they were on welfare and were regularly evicted from their
rentals. So it was not uncommon for grandma to have two or three
different addresses in one year There was one family member that we
had to call to get their latest address and directions to it. And I
do not know who this one 'stable' relative was. I do remember more than once
dad drove down a one way street the wrong way. In hindsight I hoped
that dad's Saskatchewan license plate granted him forgiveness.
They lived in a very 'nasty part' of
Vancouver and mom and dad kept a tight leash on us because of all the
ne'er-do-wells out there. Mary and Katie lived with grandma. Mary was the one who took care of grandma after moving out to
Vancouver and for the rest of Grandma Peters' life.
Circa 1960's Lt to Rt. Mary Holding Unknown Baby, Elisabeth and Katie
Finally we would arrive at Grandma's place. Visits
started out the same and that was with Grandma Peters “feeling us
up” as my younger sister and I giggled
through the whole thing. She would have us stand in front of her and
starting at our head she would feel our hair, face, shoulders,
abdomen and sometimes our legs. She would always be talking to my dad
in German. My dad like his father was a very quiet person who only
spoke when spoken too. Thus to see dad carry on a conversation and
in German struck us dumb. Dad was a different person when he was
around his mother and siblings. He looked relaxed, but that could be that he was on holidays. Dad also smiled and laughed with his sisters. So nice to know this side of dad.
The last time I saw Grandma Peters, she was so
frail, so hunched over and so so deaf. She sat next to the stove for
warmth and had her radio blaring. Her most favorite thing to listen
to was hockey games. Go figure.
When it was time to leave Vancouver the
grandchildren would line up in front of grandma who always gave us candy for our
trip home – which was usually some very yummy salt water taffy.
Grandma died in in 1972. Mom and Dad
went alone to Vancouver to be at the funeral.
Grandma Elisabeth Peters Funeral - January 21, 1972.
I knew she was buried somewhere in
Vancouver but never really knew exactly where until a few years back. My daughter lives in Vancouver and on one of my visits to her, I
decided it was time to search it out and visit her graveside. The
office staff at City of Vancouver Mountain View Cemetery were so
helpful. They found her grave site and then said she was buried
without a headstone because she was handled as a city case ( welfare
recipient). They then said they would put up a marker if I could come
back a few days later and would be able to visit her exact location.
2016 Fall - Grandmother Elisabeth Peters Unmarked Grave. Marked With the Yellow Flag.
I didn't think it would be an emotional
thing for me as I felt I hardly knew her, but it was. I bought a
couple of flowers and placed them on her grave site. I was likely one
of the few people who have ever visited her grave after she was
buried. It felt very right and I am so glad that my daughter helped
me go after this information while visiting her in Vancouver.
These are most of my sisters and my
recollections of our Grandmother Elisabeth Peters. I hope it sheds a little
light on a small part of her life and that maybe some family members might have other
memories they would like to share. Sometimes it is the darnedest details that come to
one's memory.
Today is February 2, 2021. It seems
fitting that I chose to blog about my grandparents this past week because Franz
and Elisabeth Peters were married 119 years ago today on February 2,
1902. Franz Peters was 26 years old, a farmer who lived at Blumenthal
Colony. Elisabeth was 21 years old spinster from Schoenthal Colony. They were married at Blumenthal. Saskatchewan was actually not an
official province thus they would have been married in the “NWT". Their presiding clergyman was Peter Klassen from Neuanlage. I
wonder what their wedding day looked like. Was their a banquet put
on by the Mennonite colony? Maybe it was only a blip in the day of a
farmer's life on the colony.
The Rosthern Reserve of Mennonite Colonies.
Wendy H.