Saturday, November 21, 2020

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Week 46 Prompt - Different Language

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks

Week 46

Prompt – Different Language

Bill's maternal grandparents are Arthur John Jahnke and Ida Anna Bachmann.  They were married on June 24th, 1917.

 Bill's mother has their wedding certificate.  I was able to photocopy the certificate.  It is a black and white photocopy which, sadly does not do it justice.  It is a beautiful keepsake.  Like many of the certificates of my family at the time they are written in German.  At least it is not written in Sutterlin German Script.   That was a special handwriting style taught to German children from 1911 and in 1941 Hitler banned it.  It is almost impossible to decipher. The example below shows its complexity.


I believe that one could ascertain that it is a marriage certificate despite the words “Marriage Certificate” being absent.  Besides my mother in law telling me that it was their wedding certificate, I know these two people and that they were married on that date.

Google Translate has been a godsend to deciphering the specifics of this document and others. I plug in the German word and it is instantly translated to English.



 And thus it begins:

That Arthur Jahnke out of Forres, Sask.

Und = and

and Ida Bachmann out of Killaly, Sask.

Am 24tem=on the 24th


on the 24th of June, 1917.

 In the presence of the witnesses

Randolf Muller

Lemberg, Sask

Dora Jahnke 

Forres, Sask

Were married according to the laws of the state and have been credibly attested 

Killaly the 24th of June 1917.

Signed by: Carl Pohlmann

Evangelical Lutheran Pastor.

The scattered bible passages around the certificate are easily looked up.  To the right of the seal is:  


 It takes a little bit of time using the internet, but a different language shouldn't be a barrier to reading documents of our ancestors. Unless of course it is Sutterlin Script.





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