Tuesday, August 4, 2020

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Week 31 Prompt - Large

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks

Week 31
Prompt – Large

I have two paid genealogy databases.  My Heritage was the first one I got.  I won a 6 month subscription from a genealogy conference I attended.  I loaded that up onto my computer and started using it to build my tree.  I still have My Heritage and my tree is almost 2900 people.  However I have found many mistakes in this tree.  I find I use it less often because of this.  However I still find the odd gem.

My second paid database is Ancestry.  I received it as a Christmas gift several years ago.  I love it despite its cost.  I have it renewed each year.  The hints are good but still need lots of scrutiny to get through them.  I have built this tree to about 3700 people.  I have 7425 hints waiting to be looked at in Ancestry.  They will wait until I get to them, if I get to them.

Finally I have a software program called Legacy.  This is the program where I enter all the names of my family tree that I feel confident are true to my ancestors.  I have entered 2148 names.  It is a software with more bells and whistles than I will ever use.  My Legacy family tree is the program that helps me put together my actual tree.  It helps me organize large quantities of facts and individuals into a family tree that may help me present it in some kind of beautiful tree.

These two databases have made my family tree so large; maybe too large to handle.   I am learning to focus on those hints and people that are important to my family. The following is a display I put together while playing in my Legacy Program. 

It is Wendy Kathleen Peters Father's Tree

This is Wendy Kathleen Peters' Mother's Tree.

I have to remember to focus on those individuals who are central to my Peters Family Tree. 

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