52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks
Week 24
Prompt – Handed Down
In the past I have posted the story of the special china cup and
saucer that my grandmother McLaughlin gave me and that I had to
return it because she thought I took it from her without her permission. This is what I think of when I think of things being handed down.
In August of 2010, I received a parcel
from my Aunt Phyllis. She was married to my Uncle Wally. Uncle Wally
was Grandma McLaughlin's third child.
1987 -Wendy, Aunt Phyllis, Uncle Wally, Jill and Jackie |
He was born May 5,
1927 in Calgary, Alberta. Shortly after he was born, Wallace, my
mother, Vivian, and Grandmother moved back to Saskatoon. My
mother(Vivian) was 5 years older than Uncle Wally and the two never
got along. Uncle Wally received his degree in engineering from
University of Saskatchewan, He got his doctorate in Engineering in
Purdue University and then moved to Ontario in 1961. He taught at
the University of Waterloo Engineering until 1992. He also was the Waterloo University
Dean of Engineering from 1974 to 1982. They had 5 children, my
cousins. I believe I may have seen them twice in my life. We were
not close to them physically and thus we never got to know this side
of the family.
My mother, Vivian predeceased her
mother (Grandma Mary McLaughlin). Grandma predeceased her son Uncle
Wally. When grandmother died, Uncle Wally and Aunt Phyllis came to
Saskatoon from Ontario to take care of grandma's estate. There were many things that were
packed up and taken back to Ontario. Sadly some of those things were
promised to various Peters Grandchildren who never seen them again.
Uncle Wally died of cancer on July 5,
2009 in the Kincardine Hospital.
Before Uncle Wally died I had the
chance to correspond via mail several times about any family history
he knew. He really had very few stories about his family.
After he died I
maintained contact with Aunt Phyllis who over the next several years
shared many stories, good and bad, on Uncle Wally and my mother's
family. However more importantly she had a small box of grandma's
photos and “Krikau old stuff” and wondered if I would want them
because no one in Ontario wanted them. If I didn't want them they
would probably throw them out. Well of course I wanted them.
When the parcel arrived I could hardly
believe the treasure trove of “things” in that small parcel.
It had two small leather bound books
that were books given to grandma McLaughlin on her confirmation in
1917. They were written in German. One had an inscription inside of
it; “From Mother and Father Krikau on my confirmation. April 1917
at Holy Cross Church in Winnipeg, Manitoba.” There was original
certificates for Uncle Wally's Baptism, Mary and Bob Sullivan Wedding
Certificate from 1921, and Mary and Benjamin's Wedding Certificate from 1932.
These were the fancy church ones. They were scrolled up into tight
tubes for protection.
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Rolled Tubes with Various Certificates and Leather Confirmation Books |
There was a reproduction on photograph
paper of a Parochialfchein. This is family information that the
Russian church pastor wrote out for those immigrating families and sent along
with the family to present to the minister in their new country as a
means of introduction and that they were in "good Christian standing" in the church. Dated in 1911 from Privalnoje Russia. On the
back of this is written; “Mary this is your birth certificate from
the Old Country. Henry”
Grandma's McKague Funeral Home booklet
was included. Inside there was several loose papers such as; a letter
dated from June 10, 1977 of grandmother's wish to be buried with her
second husband, Benjamin McLaughlin. There was a church bulletin of
Vivian Peters Funeral, a newspaper clipping of Mary's Obituary, and
the church bulletin from Grandma McLaughlin's funeral..
There was also a legal size envelope,
fan folded manila colored wallet tied together with ribbon. Inside
the wallet was 8 pockets with various papers.
The 1st pocket held Grandma
McLaughlin's Certificate of Death.
The 2nd pocket had an envelope named
“Naturalization Papers and Passport” dated June 7, 1929.
Mary Sullivan Naturalization Certificate |
The 3rd pocket had her original will dated October 4, 1960.
The 4th pocket had a legal size
envelope with “ Krakau-Sullivan-Papers scrolled on the outside. The papers included "A Certificate of Changed Name" dated August 19, 1957. Also in this same
pocket is an official letter; “Declaration To Be Made By Person
Whose Birth is Desired to Be Registered:”. Benjamin McLaughlin was
a foundling baby and he needed to fill out this paperwork to get an
official birth date – this paper work was dated June 8, 1939. The Krikau-Sullivan
papers had to do with Uncle Wally making his last name officially
McLaughlin which he thought was officially done while Ben McLaughlin
was alive, but it wasn't .
The 5th pocket was a Province of
Saskatchewan Death Certificate for Mary McLaughlin; also a memorial
card for G. Fred Krikau (her brother); and an obituary for Vivian
The 6th pocket was empty- what was
missing I wondered and still am wondering!!
The 7th pocket had a small envelope
and written on the outside is “My Brother's Grave No. In Winnipeg,
Man.” This was Willhelm Krikau which at that time I did not know
about. Inside was an official paper from the Winnipeg cemetery.
Also in this
pocket there was a Certificate of Registration for Grandmother's
middle child who was born Sept 28, 1924 that was dated Oct 27, 1924.
The 8th pocket had grandma's
Inspection Card for Maria Krikau. It was the card given to each
traveler who landed at Ellis Island in New York. Date was October 3,
The box was filled with many many
family photos. Most were photographs that we had given grandma of
our own growing families. Some I had never seen before such as two Black
and White photos of Mary and Pat, her first husband. A photo of Pat's car and I didn't know he had
one. A photo of Grandma with my mother Vivian as an infant. A 1933
photo of Wally and Vivian, two photos of Vivian at confirmation in
1937. A shopping photo of grandmother Mary and her mother. The
portrait picture of Andreas and Maria Krikau (my great-grandparents).
I recall this one sitting on my grandmother's dresser in her
bedroom. A wedding portrait of Benjamin and Mary McLaughlin. Many
small photographs of Ben and Mary during their married life. Several
photos of her brothers and sisters and their families. A few 4
generation photos of Great Grandmother Krikau, Grandmother McLaughlin,
Vivian and Betty.
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Pat Sullivan's Car |
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Mary Sullivan Holding Infant Vivian; 1922 |
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Mary McLaughlin Shopping With Mother Maria Krikau; 1940 |
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Back Lt to Rt: Vivian Peters, Mary McLaughlin. Front Row Lt to Rt Betty Peters and Maria Krikau; 1951 |
I only
vaguely knew about some of this information and now I have the documents to prove these events happened. Some of it
I never knew about like the existence of her baby brother born in
Winnipeg or for that matter that my grandmother had a second child who died at 3 months of age.
This “stuff” as Aunt Phyllis called
it, was handed down to me. I feel it was more of me being at the
right place at the right time. I shudder to think that they may have
thrown any of these century old papers of my ancestors out in the
garbage. If you are in possession of such significant papers and
don't want them; please don't throw them away – find that family
member who loves genealogy.
I only
vaguely knew about some of this information, but now I have the documents to prove these events. Some of it
I never knew about like her the existence of her baby brother born in
Winnipeg or for that matter that my grandmother had a second child'
who died at 3 months of age.
This “stuff” as Aunt Phyllis called
it, was handed down to me. I feel it was more of me being at the
right place at the right time. I shudder to think that they may have
thrown any of these century old papers of my ancestors out in the
garbage. If you are in possession of such significant papers and
don't want them; please don't throw them away – find that family
member who loves genealogy.
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