Monday, June 1, 2020

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks. Week 22. Prompt - Uncertainty

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks
Week 22
Prompt – Uncertain

The prompts for 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks are made before the beginning of the year.  I find it eerily coincidental that this is a prompt in the midst of COVID-19.  Uncertainty is up there with other new catch phrases such as; unprecedented times and new normal.  I have noticed how this uncertainty is straining family and friends.
In isolation, surrounded by a mountain of uncertainty about the future, I find myself being more absorbed and comforted with my laptop and the genealogy in it.  It has a purpose.  It has easily achieved outcomes and a sense of satisfaction upon completion..  However it is also so easy to become unfocused or maybe it is undisciplined in the direction I want to go.  At times I feel like I am bouncing around like a pinball – that is reacting to pieces of information that I found that had nothing to do with whom I was searching for.  It is during these times that I become somewhat overwhelmed with my family tree.  I am uncertain where to go next and what to work on. 

So in total randomness I have chosen a great uncle of Bill's to investigate.  Frederick Hoffarth.  This is the oldest sibling of Bill's paternal grandfather – Rochus Hoffart.  Their parents were Jacob and Eva Hoffart who immigrated to Canada from Malcoci, Romania in 1914.  Within the 10 siblings in the family their last name takes on different spellings.   Hoffarth, Hoffort, and Hoffart.  I guess when you start over in a new country you can change your name quite easily.  Thus when I see a “Hoffarth” in my tree I am pretty sure that Frederick was the progenitor of that version of the name.
Frederick was born September 27, 1886 in Malcoci, Romania.  He married his wife, Rosa A. Melle on September 11, 1911 in Malcoci.  They immigrated to Canada arriving in Quebec on May 11, 1913. They joined their families in Bergfield, Saskatchewan.  Frederick took out a homestead.  They started their new life on this farm working hard and starting a family.
For reasons unknown to me, Frederick decided to move to Outlook, Montana from Bergfield, Saskatchewan.  The border crossing card states that they crossed over on June 15, 1923.  Frederick, Rosa, and their 5 children, Barbara, Roy, Mary, Cecilia and Louis started over as farmers in Outlook,Montana. 

On June 24, 1924, Frederick filed his “Declaration of Intention” for naturalization in the state of Montana of the United States.  Although I do not have the paperwork, I presume he was naturalized. His physical description, according to the Montana Naturalization Paper, is described as 'White' in color, Complexion Dark, 5 Foot 10 Inches, 210 Pounds, Brown Hair and Eyes.
Frederick and Rosa went on to have more children.  According to Rosa's Obituary she had two sets of triplets. My information only shows one set of twins. Elizabeth and Frank are the twins born in 1924, Jacob was born in 1925 and Evelyn born in 1929.

Unfortunately, Frederick Hoffarth died in June, 1936 – just a few months shy of his 50th birthday.  His wife Rosa lived on to 1985 dying at 91 years of age.  Frederick and Rosa had at least 10 children, but probably more.   Her obituary said she 44 grandchildren, 82 great-grandchildren, and 5 great-great-grandchildren.
That is a wonderful legacy for Frederick and Rosa Hoffarth. 


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