Monday, June 10, 2019

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Week 21 Prompt - Military

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks
Week 21
Prompt – Military

Bill's maternal great – grandfather is Johann Friedrich Jahnke. He was born November 25, 1863 in Bromberg, Prussia. Today it is called Bydgoszcz and is located in Poland. Prussia existed as part of the German Empire until its dissolution in 1918.
Johann Jahnke was conscripted into three year mandatory military service. I believe all men had compulsory military service in Prussia and many European countries. His military book is one of the treasures that Bill's family still have. I was able to scan it for my genealogy.
Unfortunately I cannot read it. As a matter of fact many German people today could not read it. German Script is a type of handwriting based on medieval cursive writing that existed in Germany.  In 1911 Germany commissioned Sutterlin to come up with an easier version of the old German Script. In 1941, the Nazi Party banned all type of cursive writing considering it too chaotic. They only allowed “Normal Script” or “Latin Script” to be taught in schools. What this means is that only the very elderly know how to read the old German Script that most of our Prussian / German ancestors letters, diaries, certificates and things like Bill's great grandfather's military book are written in.

Johann was conscripted on November 7, 1884 which was just a few days short of his 21st birthday. He was discharged September 7, 1887. That I could make out of the pages.
I did inquire about getting it translated from a translation service I found on the internet and was based out of Vancouver. Unfortunately it was going to cost close to 450.00 dollars. Thus I have not felt the urge to get on that right now. I know that there are many sites on the internet to teach one how to read German Script, but I haven't taken that on just yet. I am curious to know what it says and what information might be hiding within that book. There are several pages of handwritten notes.
Military Book of Johann Jahnke.  What does it say?

Johann Friedrich Jahnke married Ernestine “Emelie” Hein (Heyn) on April 20, 1890. Their first son was born January 9, 1891 in Bromberg, Germany.
Johann and Emelie Jahnke on Their Wedding Day

 In October of that same year the family immigrated to United States and homesteaded in Winthrop, Minnesota. Their second son was born in Winthrop in April 6, 1894. His name was Arthur John Jahnke. He was Bill's grandfather. Johann and Emelie lived in many places throughout Canada and U.S. They lived out there end of life in Yakima, Washington. Johann died February 3, 1945 and Emelie died April 10, 1946.

As an aside. Johann had an older brother named Leonard Heinrich Jahnke. Leonard married Henriette “Amalia” Hein – Emelie's twin sister. The brothers married twin sisters. Try to keep that family tree! 


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52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Week 8 Prompt - Letters

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